If your school is considering putting on a fundraiser, make sure to check through this list before you begin. This is an A-Z list that ranks fundraising events and their strength. We’ve listed A-C here. For the complete list, go to http://www.fundeo.com/fundraising-ideas
All day event **
Ask your local pub or sports club if they can arrange a 24-hour sponsored fundraising event such as darts, squash or bridge.
Auction of Promises ***
Try to get people to donate a gift, the promise of their time or use of their belongings. You can even ask people to donate themselves as ‘slaves for the day’!
Bad hair day **
Hold a bad hair day event and collect a donation from everyone that takes part.
Bag it up *****
Simply ask your local supermarket if you can bag customers’ shopping and ask for a donation for your service. This is a great fundraising idea if you have many young hands at your disposal whose time you do not need to cost out. For example it’s a perfect fundraising event for a scout or guide group, or a school.
Bingo Night *****
Organise a Fundeo bingo night event. They are easy to organise and a great fun idea. Charge an entrance fee and get friends and businesses to donate prizes. With a Fundeo Bingo pack it’s very easy. You just play a DVD and our talking parrot runs the show. Then just pause and award a prize with each ‘line’ or ‘full-house’. Our website tells you how to do it.
Bad taste day **
Ask colleagues or friends to go to work in their worst tie or most bizarre clothes. If they refuse, get them to pay a fine.
Baking day **
Ask someone to help you and your friends bake some cakes. Then hold a bake sale at your work, club or school. You can store the baked goods in your school lockers and then sell items during the school breaks.
Barbecue Party **
Hold a charity barbecue party event and charge people to come.
Book Sale **
Dig out all those old books and have a book sale event at home or at work.
Car Boot Sale **
Get together with friends and family and clear out unwanted items from your garage, cupboards or loft, then sell them at a car boot sale.
Coffee Morning ***
Get all friends together and have a coffee morning event.
Cheese and Wine **
Hold a cheese and wine party and charge people to come.
Caption Competition ***
Run a caption competition on pictures taken from your last party and collect donations from your entrants.
Car treasure hunt **
Ask someone with local knowledge to set questions so that people have to explore their local area. It’s a great way of finding out more about where you live.
Culture evening **
Get together with friends, family & neighbours for an evening event with singing songs, playing an instrument, reciting poems, telling jokes or any other ideas.
Car Cleaning ****
Get together with your friends to clean the cars in your neighbourhood for a fee. Or clean the cars in the school car park during lunch hour. Great if you have a team of young people prepared to donate their time.